Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Failure and a different perspective

have been working on this post of a while now, I guess I thought I was strong and the failures I am about to speak about was conquered, but I was wrong. I went to see the movie Everest (highly recommend it to anyone). It is a movie about pushing yourself to achieve something that you might succeed in or not. The outcome is unknown but the people still pushed forward to reach the top of Everest. There was one quote in the movie that got me thinking, Dough Hansen said: "A Few more days, the rest of your life you will be the guy who got to top of Everest". This really hit me because it made me reflect on the last few weeks of my life and how big my problems may seem to me, but over a few days it can be a problem that has been conquered and left in the past. 

See we all fail at some point in our life, we often question what we did wrong or why it happened, and not often enough on how we can take this failure and make it into success. We learn and grow through our triumphs and failures because that is how we build our character. I was talking to my mother and described it as if I was walking into the ocean and sinking, every time I had my head above the water, the next wave would hit me, bigger than the one before. I literally thought my world was crashing down and that I will sink into the depths of the ocean to be forgotten. The last few months was some of the hardest months of my life with bad news hitting me like a steady incline and made it very difficult to see the top of my Everest, but it has truly shaped me and I am still working through it all, but to anyone reading this, perspective is everything. 
I recently visited my favourite place in Australia, Bryon Bay, and met so many amazing people. The trip in itself deserves a blog post. This trip is exactly what I needed and really gave me a new outlook on to the things going on in my life, I spend more time in conversation with God and with the people who follow him, and found peace. One conversation specifically is the reason my perspective has been changed, like I said, that's for another blog post. It was someone who spoke in to my life and comforted me in the fact that I was not alone. God loves me unconditionally, and any failure is so small compared to the amazing love he has for me. Things change, people move on, but God is forever. 

I leave you with this bible verse:
 Romans 5:3-5 Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance character, and character hope. And Hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. 

Until next time [C]

Saturday, October 31, 2015


Caring, a human result of displaying kindness and concern for others. This is an emotion that most of us feel, we care about our future, we care about the people in our lives, friends, family, or  animals. We care about a lot of people and about a lot of things.

Some of us wished we cared more, and other might wish they cared less.
Why do we care?
This is a question I have been asking myself for a few weeks now, why do I care?
Why do I care about people who don't really care about me, or why do I care about what happens?  There are many bible verses relating to this topic, but two that has really challenged me in the last few weeks have been is Philippians 2:4-  Not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of others.
and then Galatians 6:2- Carry each others burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

Caring about people is natural, I care for the safety and health of my family and friends, I care if they struggle and need help, I care for their success and their failures.  There are times some people don't care about me, but then I start to ask myself why I care about them when they don't seem to care about me, and in those times I also have to ask if they ever cared for me. This is a really big rabbit hole to fall in and can be discussed for ages, and sometimes I wish I had an off button for caring, but unfortunately life doesn't work that way. Sometimes caring means letting go of people or things that continue to hurt you. I know this is a really hard task, but letting go off people does not mean that you don't care about them.
Anyway, this is a short ramble because I haven't written anything in a while #Unilife, but this has just been on my mind for a while and I wanted to share it. I am no expert in life so don't take my post to heart.
Until next time

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Taking life for granted

I will start this blog post with this statement,
Most people who died yesterday had plans for today...
This statement hit me hard,because the same day that I read this, I drove past a car accident on the way home. This car drove into a cement truck and was hit by another car in the back, the man who drove the car died on the way to hospital.
I was really saddened to hear about his death and could not stop wondering what he could have had planned for the day, or who he was on his way to see. Questions that I will never have the answers to.

It made me reflect on my own life; I am so use to going to work, seeing my friends, going to uni and traveling to different places, that I don't really appreciate the things I do or the people I see.
I have been taking the people in my life for granted...I have been taking my own life for granted.
Waking up every morning is such a blessing, being able to drive to uni is something that a lot of people don't get to do and being with the people you love is a great privilege.
We are so fixated in coming and going as we have planned that we do not think about the moment that we are in.
When was the last time you told you told someone you loved them, and really meant it?

What I am trying to say is that, we need to live our life's, love unconditionally and be thankful for the days we do have because life is short, it can end any moment. Next time you see your family or friends, hug them and tell them you love them. To all my family or friends reading this, I love you, Ek is lief vir jou!

I leave you with this verse:
1 Peter 4:7-11
The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory, and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

Until next time

Monday, September 7, 2015


Recently, I watched the movie 'Boyhood', a lengthy movie with an interesting perspective on growing up. The movie looks at the struggles people face and the triumphs that help to shape who we are as people. One particular part of the movie stuck with me and sparked a good conversation with a friend; "People always say 'seize the moment', but what if the moment seizes you?" We often try to live in the moment by taking chances and saying and doing things boldly. We seize the moment by jumping out of our comfort zone and becoming vulnerable.
Upon discussing this idea with a friend, we came to our own personal interpretation of the saying. We both realized that it mostly came down to honesty.

Honesty is the act of truthfulness. We often hide our own feelings or opinions because of our 'comfort zones' and try to bury our honest opinion under a more desired act or answer. We have become so self-aware and afraid of honesty that we claim a moment of boldness as seizing the moment. We are so afraid of the opinions others hold of us that we reflect what people want to hear.
How would our world look if we were all more honest?  Think about it... How great would it be if we could be open with each other and say what is truly on our minds...? To share what we believe in or how we feel.

This could be dangerous, I am aware, but would you rather see the perfect version of someone, or their most honest, broken self?
Hate to break this to everyone, but no one is perfect even if we try. We live in a broken, sinful world.
Light Of The World is about being in the darkness and shining your light.
But I can not shine my light if I am not honest; with myself and others.
I want to challenge you to be honest. Tell people you love them. Stand up for what you believe in, even if it's not the same as what others think.
We need to challenge each other. Life is not meant to be easy.
I leave you with this verse. Romans 12:3 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Until next time,


Monday, August 24, 2015

Long drop Theory

Ok before you freak out and think I'm going to discuss in detail, the use of a long drop, you are a 100% correct!
Im joking ofcourse.
The Long drop theory is a term introduced by one of my beloved friends and has stuck in our friendship group as one of the most common used words.
Let me explain it, when you go through a tough time you say "I've hit rock bottom", to you that is the lowest you can go and its just not a fun time.

This is where the long drop theory comes in, think about it, a hole in the ground purely used for people to release the Tacos they inhaled on Taco Tuesday. If you don't know what a long drop is, google it, or not, I'm just warning you now, its not something you want to see on a Tuesday morning!

 We have all had to use one sometime in our life and its a scary, smelly and unpleasant experience all up.
When my friends and I go through a tough time and don't feel like explaining it, we just say, "I'm in the long drop".
You are pretty low, but a long drop is a bottomless pit that you can still sink under to. That sounds disgusting, I know.

Recently I found myself saying that phrase a lot, and my friends knew I needed them, and don't get me wrong, I love my friends to bits, but they can only help you to an extent. I find it hard to reach out in it self, so having my friends wanting to be there for me all the time was a hard thing, I kept thinking, "I'm wasting their time" Or "oh no, I'm becoming a nuisance". I have had to let my walls down a bit,  but ultimately, your friends can't solve your problem or be there 100%, they have lives and problems too.
Imagine this, you are down at the bottom of the pit, you look up at the hole where the light is coming out, and In your head, that is your exit. Without a rope or ladder, how will you get out?
This is a metaphor and to be honest, I don't think anyone here is going to have a Slumdog Millionaire moment and jump in willingly.

I'm still in the longdrop, don't get me wrong, but I'm slowly finding my way out with the help of  my beloved friends and the word of God,
In Colossians 3:1-2 it says, Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your heart on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

Everyone seeks and finds help differently, but my advice is,
Live simple, allow yourself to receive help, love humbly and set your mind on things above.
It might not seem like it now, but it will get better and it will be over soon. God loves you, and He knows that you are able to handle the things thrown at you. It builds your character and makes you stronger as a person, and for myself, in my faith. He is preparing you for something amazing, you just have to stick with it and not lose hope.

Until next time,

Monday, August 17, 2015

Who,What,Why and How?

The light of the world. 

Who, what, why and how?

You and me, that's who, this is truer than true. 
Now that isn't how I planned to start this blog, heck no one knows how to really put pen to paper and explain who they are in the most honest way. I'm just another human on this planet trying to navigate my way through life, trying to understand its wonders. 
This blog is from me to you, my interpretation of life and the experiences we face daily. 

What exactly does it mean to be 'The Light of the world'? 
This blog will be talking about our daily adventures, the way we seeked Shalom (Peace) and how myself and even you can be the light in the world. The blog title was chosen because of 2 bible verses that has allowed me to rest easy in some of the darkest times. 

Light of the World: (John 8:12) – Jesus came into a world darkened by sin and shed the light of life and truth through His work and His words. Those who trust in Him have their eyes opened by Him and walk in the light. 
In Matthew 5:16: 
In the same way, let your light shine before others,
 that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Now you are probably wondering why? 

Why be the light of the world? 
I have challenged myself to be the light in the darkness since being on a program called Target 21 back in 2011. At first I was so excited and passionate about this journey, but lately have become part of the darkness. Now why would you or I want to be the light in the darkness? In Ephesians 5:8 is clearly states that "For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light"
I may have become part of the darkness, but in loving God and being one of his children, I am a light. 

In John 12:36 it says: Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light.”.. So even though i have indulged in the ways of the world, i still have God's light and hope to shine it on this blog. I want to encourage you to live your life to the fullest. 

Now if you google the definition of the word light it comes up with : the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible. I want to use this blog as a connecting platform where you are able to seek postivity, love and heck maybe even visible help (Can't promise that because i'm still trying to figure out how to adult)

How? How will i be using this blog? 
I will be using this blog to discuss situations and tackle life issues and experiences. Now I am in no way a professional, and my opinions are my own, so if you do not agree, that's totally fine. Feel free to suggest topics too. 

I'm excited to see what happens throughout this year.
Until later then,
